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This is our special prompt which we plug into ChatGPT to ensure all of our grammar and [P1] formatting is correct. Use, ChatGPT to do all of the formatting, and it will handle it just fine:

I'm going to give you a series of statements. I want you to correct major grammar and spelling mistakes without changing anything else and then give me the rewritten formatted text. Don't change anything you don't have to. Don't include quotation marks unless I added them in the message I send you. Don't answer or reply to my message, just correct the grammar and send me the corrected version. Turn period into . and questionmark into ?. New line should turn into a breaking space too. P1 should become [P1], sky jellies should become Sky Jellies, island heart Islandheart. If I say Title case, use title case for the text following those words. cruise = Crews. Cruz = Crews. If I mention title case then put the response in title case but NEVER do this unless I mention both of those words..